Inquiring minds like yours, if you have been following my journey for the last 16 1/2 years might be wondering, right?! What is all this big news you’ve been sharing, Chalisa, since August 1.
Yes, as of August 1, 2020, I am now officially an Affiliate with DVTD® , my marketplace with DVTD and website launched with all the things: new fall jewelry collection and many other amazing new brands and products available to you in my DVTD marketplace. The suspense was over and it was totally worth the wait. Was I right?! What had been in the works and prayed over for months and back into summer of 2019 officially launched beautifully with amazing customers like yourself tuning in & cheering us on.
Want more details? Absolutely! I’m very excited to share it all with you so you understand DVTD® and our marketplace with a mission better! I'm here to continue to serve you well.
So, let me share a little more with you…
What is DVTD?
• A full marketplace, devoted to making a difference!
• An extension of Premier Designs' founding purpose to Honor God, Enrich Lives and Serve People in a way that amplifies and accelerates that work.
How does DVTD work?
• DVTD, the company, supports various causes and organizations from the revenue generated through all orders it receives (regardless of what products are shopped).
• Every product featured in the DVTD marketplace is a "product with a purpose," meaning the brands behind the products are social enterprises that use their business to support larger causes (like clean water & soap, child nutrition, anti-trafficking, job creation in poverty-stricken areas, etc.). A requirement for any product to be featured in the DVTD marketplace is that it must meet these requirements as a social enterprise.
• Therefore, every order placed through DVTD has the power to impact multiple causes at once, depending on the products you choose to buy. Every time you order, no matter the product, DVTD g
• PLUS, with every purchase you make in the marketplace as a customer, YOU will earn DVTD Rewards that can be used for cash discounts off on your future orders!
(I.e. $20 in rewards comes right off your subtotal before tax and shipping and payment is entered)
So much excitement, right?! Customers are already shopping, sharing, and earning FREE rewards. The "New & Now" fun has only just begun.
The company that I was a distributor with before for over 16 years, Premier Designs has expanded into this brand new company, DVTD , as well. I know you might be asking…what does this mean for Premier Designs, Chalisa?! Guess what?! Premier Designs JEWELRY did not go away - absolutely not!! Their incredible jewelry is now a part of the marketplace as one of the current 14 products/brands that we sell as of today with new brands and products coming October 15th just in time for the upcoming holiday shopping season.
I’m so glad you are starting here and learning more about DVTD and our mission. I cannot wait to share more with you in the days & weeks to come. So, go ahead & click the “SHOP” button at the top of my site to check it all out! I know you can hardly stand to wait!